The long-standing, prestigious school came to Creasant for a new website that represents the school’s values and allows the inspiring educational environment it offers to shine through.
Creasant provided a content management system (CMS) designed specifically for school staff with all levels of web skills to manage the engaging and interactive website. Thanks to the human-friendly interface of the CMS, school administrators can create new pages or make any changes to the media galleries, school news, statutory information, and school event calendar with ease.
The school’s missions are displayed on the homepage along with real-life photos taken by Creasant’s photographers to help paint a picture of what it is like to attend the school. On the News & Events page, the atmosphere of the school is perfectly shown through the numerous pictures taken in special occasions like the school’s diamond jubilee celebrations.
Compatible with All Modern Browsers
With more and more students, parents and staff accessing websites on the go, a responsive school website design is fast becoming a necessity. Responsive school website design is a fluid website framework that adapts the school website to fit any screen size. This enables a faster and smoother user experience on any device, including tablets and smartphones.